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a man walks alone in the haze
a man walks alone in the haze

When I embarked on my journey of teaching Japanese, I faced numerous challenges. Alone and at a young age, many doubted my capabilities as a teacher. I encountered bullying, rejections, and discouragement at every attempt to teach. Despite the negativity, I adhered to the belief that persistence is key.

Refusing to yield, I persevered through hard work and daily public speaking practice. Gradually, positive feedback from my students began pouring in. Starting with just one student, I continued to teach and guide them through clearing JLPT levels. My journey was far from easy, but I persisted, refining my speaking and teaching skills.

Acknowledging the need for continuous improvement, I am committed to refining my skills and progressing each day.

As evident in the certifications shared below, my students have achieved significant milestones, bringing me immense joy. Over time, my team of experts has grown, contributing to the field of linguistics. It has been a challenging and lengthy journey, but one that has shaped me and the thriving community of learners and educators around me.

My Story

clear glass bulb on human palm
clear glass bulb on human palm